Panchyshyn, Mariian

Panchyshyn, Mariian [Панчишин, Маріян; Pančyšyn, Marijan], b 6 September 1882 in Lviv, d 9 October 1943 in Lviv. Physician specializing in internal medicine and roentgenology, and civic leader; full member of the Shevchenko Scientific Society from 1920. After graduating from Lviv University in 1909, he worked at its clinic of internal medicine and by 1912 had become head of the roentgenology department. During the First World War he organized field hospitals in the Austrian army. In 1918–21 he was a leading member of the Ukrainian Citizens' Committee in Lviv and an organizer of medical care for wounded and captured soldiers. After the war he helped organize the Lviv (Underground) Ukrainian University, at which he served as a professor of anatomy (1920–5), dean of the medical faculty, and rector (1922–5). He was president of the Ukrainian Physicians' Society for many years and a coeditor of Likars’kyi vistnyk. He donated his services to the Narodnia Lichnytsia society and helped found its hospital. He founded the Ukrainian Hygienic Society in 1929, organized its outpatient clinics and tuberculosis dispensaries, built a sanatorium in Pidliute, and financed popular pamphlets on hygiene. He was active in various civic organizations in Lviv, such as the Ridna Shkola society. During the Soviet occupation of Galicia (1939–41) Panchyshyn was elected deputy to the People's Assembly of Western Ukraine and to the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. He was the first director of the Lviv oblast public health department. As head of clinical therapy at the Lviv Medical Institute, he promoted the Ukrainization of medical studies. He was a member of the 1941 Ukrainian National Council in Lviv. He published about 25 scientific works, dealing particularly with stomach, intestinal, and kidney disorders.

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 3 (1993).]

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