
Image - Peremyshliany, Lviv oblast: SS Peter and Paul Church (17th century).

Peremyshliany [Перемишляни; Peremyšljany]. Map: IV-5. A city (2015 pop 6,800) on the Hnyla Lypa River and a raion center in Lviv oblast. According to archeological evidence the site was settled as early as the 2nd century BC. The town is first mentioned in historical documents in 1473. It was granted the rights of Magdeburg law in 1623. After the partition of Poland in 1772, Peremyshliany was acquired by Austria, and in 1918 it belonged briefly to the Western Ukrainian National Republic. In June 1919, during the Ukrainian-Polish War in Galicia, 1918–19, the Ukrainian Galician Army defeated the Polish forces in the vicinity. In 1939 Peremyshliany was occupied by the Soviet Army and was granted city status. Today its main industries are food processing and furniture-making. Its architectural monuments include a Roman Catholic church from 1645 and the remnants of a 16th- to 17th-century Dominican monastery in the baroque style.

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 3 (1993).]

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