Quarenghi, Giacomo

Image - The Transfiguration Cathedral (1791-6) in the Transfiguration Monastery in Novhorod-Siverskyi. Image - Petro Zavadovsky palace in Lialychi (designed by Giacomo Quarenghi).

Quarenghi, Giacomo, b 20 or 21 September 1744 in Valle-Imagna, near Bergamo, Italy, d 2 March 1817 in Saint Petersburg. Italian architect. From 1780 he worked in the Russian Empire, where he built palaces and public buildings in the Empire style in Saint Petersburg and Peterhof. In Ukraine he built the cathedral of the Novhorod-Siverskyi Transfiguration Monastery (1796), the cathedral in Kremenchuk (1790s), and Count Petro Zavadovsky’s palace in Lialychi, Chernihiv gubernia (1780s to 1790s). The Ukrainian architect Andrei Melensky was taught by Quarenghi.

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 4 (1993).]

Image - Novhorod-Siverskyi Transfiguration Cathedral (designed by Giacomo Quarenghi).

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