Ridnyi krai (Lviv)

Ridnyi krai (Lviv) («Рідний край»; Native Land). A daily newspaper published in Lviv in 1920–3 as the organ of the Ukrainian Agrarian Union and then the Ukrainian Agrarian party. It was funded by the Polish regime and espoused active co-operation with it, thereby earning it great enmity in Ukrainian nationalist circles. The newspaper was founded and edited by Sydir Tverdokhlib. After his assassination in 1922 it was edited by Mykhailo Yatskiv. The paper's general line was continued by Pravo narodu (1923), the weekly organ of the Ukrainian Agrarian party (Ilkiv faction), published in Kolomyia.

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 4 (1993).]

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