Rozbudova natsiï

Rozbudova natsiï [«Розбудова нації»; Nation Building]. An ideological journal of the Leadership of Ukrainian Nationalists (PUN). It was established in January 1928 and published in Prague monthly until 1931 and then bimonthly until August 1934 (a total of 79 issues appeared). The formal publisher was Mykola Stsiborsky and the editor-in-chief was Volodymyr Martynets, who was assisted initially by P. Kozhevnykiv; until April 1929 the journal's editorial offices were located in Berlin, and Oleksander Boikiv was responsible for printing it in Prague. The journal was banned in Soviet-, Polish-, and Romanian-ruled Ukraine, but was smuggled in and widely distributed there. Rozbudova natsiï published articles on ideological, political, economic, military, and cultural subjects; memoirs of the Ukrainian struggle for independence (1917–20); and surveys of international affairs and developments in Western Ukraine and Soviet Ukraine. Regular contributors included prominent leaders of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists and other figures. The journal was closed down by the Czech authorities under Polish pressure following the assassination in Galicia of the Polish minister of the interior, Bronisław Pieracki.

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 3 (1993).]

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