Savytsky, Petro

Savytsky, Petro [Савицький, Петро; Savyc'kyj], b 29 June 1899 in Bila, Kamianets-Podilskyi county, Podilia gubernia, d 29 September 1983 in Munich, West Germany. Scientist and educator. A veteran of the Army of the Ukrainian National Republic, he completed two doctorates in Prague (in philosophy in 1924 and in natural science in 1931) and lectured at Charles University and at the Ukrainian Higher Pedagogical Institute. At the same time he undertook private research and published articles in Czech, German, and Polish scientific journals. After the Second World War he taught at the Ukrainian Technical and Husbandry Institute in Regensburg, where he served as rector in 1952–61.

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 4 (1993).]

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