Ukrainian Technical and Husbandry Institute

Ukrainian Technical and Husbandry Institute [Український технічно-господарський інститут; Ukrainskyi tekhnichno-hospodarskyi instytut, or УГТІ; UTHI; German: Ukrainisches Technisch-Wirtschaftliches Institut]. A polytechnical institute established in November 1932 as a correspondence school of the Ukrainian Husbandry Academy (UHA) in Poděbrady, Czechoslovakia. With the closing of the academy in 1935, the institute took over its scientific and educational functions. The UTHI was organized along the same lines as the UHA, with departments of agronomy and forestry, chemistry and technology, and economics and co-operative studies. It also offered courses in practical fields, such as beekeeping, gardening, and soap making, a secondary-school program on the farming industry, and programs of Ukrainian studies, foreign languages, and journalism. The economics and co-operative studies department attracted the most students; the other two departments were soon dissolved. To supply correspondence students with textbooks a publishing house was established. It published 77 textbooks, the journal Zhurnal shkil’noho lystuvannia (1932–3), and the bulletin Visti UTHI. In 1932–9 there were 87 faculty members and 1,080 students (75 percent of them in Galicia) were registered at the institute. During the Second World War (1940–5) enrollment in the correspondence school increased to 7,000. The directors of UTHI were Borys Ivanytsky (1932–6), Borys Martos (1936–7), Luka Bych (1937–9), L. Frolov (1939–41), and Serhii Komaretsky (1941–5).

In April 1945 the institute's faculty fled from the advancing Soviet Army, leaving the library, press, and archive in Poděbrady. On 28 June 1945 the American authorities permitted the institute to resume its work in Regensburg, Bavaria. In addition to the three existing programs of study, courses were offered in veterinary medicine and medicine and pharmacology. The faculty and students were provided with food and lodgings by the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration, and then by the International Refugee Organization. In 1945–52, 1,290 students matriculated, 307 of them with diplomas: 91 agronomists, 34 foresters, 13 civil engineers, 32 veterinarians, 122 pharmacists, 6 chemists, and 9 economists. The faculty had 219 members: 62 full professors, 45 docents, 91 lecturers, and 29 assistants. Besides lectures the institute continued to offer correspondence courses, which had an enrollment of 1,500. It also organized vocational training in Ukrainian émigré centers in Germany and graduated over 2,300 skilled tradesmen. Forty-seven textbooks were published or reprinted, and the periodicals Visti UTHI, Naukovi zapysky (edited by Rostyslav Yendyk and then M. Korzhan), and Naukovyi biuleten’ UTHI were issued. As Ukrainians emigrated from Germany UTHI was gradually transformed into a research institution. Its bimonthly Biuleten’ (1980–5) was edited by Ivan Maistrenko, and its Naukovo-tekhnichnyi visnyk (1986) by M. Horbatsch. Since the war the rectors of the institute have been Viktor Domanytsky (1945–7), Borys Ivanytsky (1947–52), Petro Savytsky (1952–61), Yendyk (1961–74), Korzhan (1974–8), I. Kovalsky (acting rector 1978–9), Maistrenko (1979–84), and Atanas Figol (from 1985).

Ukraïns’kyi tekhnichno-hospodars’kyi instytut (New York 1962)
Ukraïns’ka hospodars’ka akademiia v Ch.S.R. i Ukraïns’kyi tekhnichno-hospodars’kyi instytut, (New York 1972)

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 5 (1993).]

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