Shliakhy mystetstva

Shliakhy mystetstva («Шляхи мистецтва»; Paths of Art). A literary and art journal, five issues of which were published in Kharkiv in 1921–3 by the art sector of the Ukrainian SSR Chief Political Education Committee. It was edited by Vasyl Blakytny and Hordii Kotsiuba and then Volodymyr Koriak, and its aim was to become the main forum for pro-Communist writers and artists in Ukraine. It promoted several styles that became characteristic of Soviet Ukrainian art of the 1920s, such as monumentalism, constructivism, revolutionary realism, and anti-impressionism. Some of the major figures involved with the journal were former Borotbists. Since it appeared before the fragmentation of the Ukrainian literary community into several competing groups, it published works by almost every prominent Soviet Ukrainian writer and critic of the time. After the dissolution of Shliakhy mystetstva, most of its supporters joined the Hart literary group.

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 4 (1993).]

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