Tysovsky, Oleksander

Image - Oleksander Tysovsky with the first Plast troup in Lviv (1912).

Tysovsky, Oleksander [Тисовський, Олександер; Tysovs'kyj; pseudonym: Дрот; Drot], b 9 August 1886 in Bykiv, Sambir county, Galicia, d 29 March 1968 in Vienna, Austria. Educator and biologist; full member of the Shevchenko Scientific Society from 1927. A graduate of Lviv University, he taught natural science at the Academic Gymnasium of Lviv (1911–39). Recognizing the shortcomings of the school system in building character, he adapted the scouting program to the needs of Ukrainian society and founded the first groups of the Plast Ukrainian Youth Association (1911). After serving in the Austrian army during the First World War, he served as a professor of the Lviv (Underground) Ukrainian University (1920–4), Lviv University (1939–41), and the Higher Agronomic Courses in Lviv (1941–3). As Plast developed into a national organization, he prepared its basic scouting handbook and presided over the Supreme Plast Council (1921–30). From 1944 he lived as an émigré in Vienna. In addition to scientific articles in botany and zoology (written in Ukrainian or German) his publications include Plast (1912), Zhyttia v Plasti (Life in Plast, 1921; 2nd rev edn 1961; 3rd edn 1969), and articles on education and upbringing.

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 5 (1993).]

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