Ukraïns’ka shkola

Ukraïns’ka shkola («Українська школа»; Ukrainian School). A scholarly-pedagogical journal published with varying periodicity in Lviv in 1925–34 and 1938–9 by the Teachers' Hromada. It contained professional news for Ukrainian teachers in Western Ukraine, book reviews, curricula, and articles on teaching methodology and the history of Ukrainian education. It was intended primarily for secondary-school teachers, and published a separate series of booklets and pamphlets. The editors of Ukraïns’ka shkola included H. Myketei, Yuliian Rudnytsky, Ostap Makarushka, and Ya. Bilenky. In 1930 it appeared in a pressrun of 500 copies. During the Second World War the journal was briefly revived by the Ukrainian Teachers' Labor Alliance in Cracow (1942–3) under the editorship of Ivan Teslia and Petro Isaiv.

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 5 (1993).]

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