Ukraïns’kyi holos (Peremyshl)

Ukraïns’kyi holos (Peremyshl) («Український голос»; Ukrainian Voice). A weekly newspaper published in Peremyshl in 1919–32. Initially it backed the Ukrainian Labor party, but in 1920–9, under the editorship of D. Gregolynsky and then Yevhen Zyblikevych, it supported the hetmanite movement. At this time it reached the height of its popularity and appeared in a pressrun of up to 17,000 copies. In 1929 it became the first legal, though unofficial, organ of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists; from then it was edited by Zenon Pelensky (1929–30), Zyblikevych (1930–1), and Volodymyr Zubrytsky (1931–2). Issues of Ukraïns’kyi holos were frequently confiscated by the Polish authorities, particularly in 1920, when it appeared briefly under four different titles, and after 1929. The paper was finally closed down.

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 5 (1993).]

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