Ukraïns’kyi visnyk (Berlin)

Ukraïns’kyi visnyk (Berlin) [«Український вісник»; Ukrainian Herald]. An organ of the Ukrainian National Alliance in Germany, published in Berlin in 1936–45 irregularly, then monthly (from 1938), semimonthly, and three times a week, and finally weekly. A pro-OUN paper edited by Tymish Omelchenko, Yu. Artiushenko, Volodymyr Yaniv (1940), Volodymyr Panchenko-Yurevych, Andrii Bilynsky, and Volodymyr Maruniak (from 1941), and Pavlo Bohatsky (1944), it contained articles on political and social issues and reports on Ukrainian émigré life in Germany and elsewhere and on the activities of the alliance. It also devoted considerable attention to developments in Ukraine. During the Second World War the paper had a pressrun of 15,000 copies; it was distributed throughout German-occupied Ukraine until distribution was forbidden by the Ostministerium.

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 5 (1993).]

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