Ukrainian National Alliance (Transcarpathia)

Ukrainian National Alliance (Transcarpathia) (Ukrainske natsionalne obiednannia, or UNO). A political organization of Transcarpathian Ukrainians, which replaced the Central Ruthenian People's Council in representing the interests of the region's Ukrainian inhabitants. It was founded in Khust on 18 January 1939, and its members were from all the Ukrainian parties and groups except the Communists. Its president was Fedir Revai (later Yurii Perevuznyk), and its general secretary was A. Voron. The UNO presented a single slate of 32 candidates in the elections to the Diet of Carpatho-Ukraine, all of whom were elected. Its daily organ was Nova svoboda. The UNO ceased its activities when Hungarian troops occupied Carpatho-Ukraine (March 1939).

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