Ukrainian Student Organization of Mikhnovsky

Ukrainian Student Organization of Mikhnovsky (Товариство української студіюючої молоді ім. М. Міхновського; Tovarystvo ukrainskoi studiiuiuchoi molodi im. M. Mikhnovskoho, known also as Ukrainian Students' Association of Mikhnovsky, or ТУСМ; TUSM). A student organization with a nationalist ideological profile founded at a conference in Leipheim, Germany, in December 1949, and named after Mykola Mikhnovsky. Affiliated with the External Units of the OUN (Bandera faction), TUSM organizes ideological and political conferences. At its peak it had 300 to 350 members organized in several local branches (which in Canada and the United States come under national offices) and published the journal Feniks. Its head office was in Munich until 1955, when it was moved to North America. In 1970 Senior TUSM, a support group consisting of former student members of TUSM, was organized; it was headed by M. Bohatiuk, K. Savchuk, and Mykhailo Sosnovsky. The national executives and the executive of Senior TUSM constitute the association’s supreme executive. Its presidents have included H. Vaskovych, M. Kravchuk, V. Budziak, B. Kulchytsky, B. Futala, and A. Lozynsky.

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 5 (1993).]

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