Union of Ukrainian Student Organizations in Romania

Union of Ukrainian Student Organizations in Romania [Союз українських студентських організацій у Румунії; Soiuz ukrainskykh studentskykh orhanizatsii u Rumunii, or СУСОР; SUSOR]. A student umbrella organization established in 1929 to represent various Ukrainian student societies in Romania. It co-ordinated the work of the Zaporozhe, Chornomore, and Zalizniak student fraternities in Chernivtsi; the Bukovyna society in Bucharest; and the student Hromada in Iaşi. It organized Ukrainian national celebrations and demonstrations, such as the protest in 1933 against the Famine-Genocide of 1932–3, and published a supplement, Students’ki visty (Student News, 1935–7), in the papers Chas and Samostiinist’. It raised funds to provide health care for Ukrainian students. The union represented about 160 students. From 1929 it was a member of the Central Union of Ukrainian Students. Although the Romanian authorities banned SUSOR activities in 1937, it continued its formal existence until 1940. Its presidents were L. Romanovsky, V. Yakubovych, O. Popovych, M. Ivanovych, and Ya. Baver.

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 5 (1993).]

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