Zhytie i slovo

Image - Zhytie i slovo, vol. 1.

Zhytie i slovo [«Житє і слово»; Life and Word]. A bimonthly journal published in Lviv from February 1894 to June 1897. It was edited by Ivan Franko and published by his wife, O. Franko. Zhytie i slovo contained belles lettres, literary criticism, and book reviews; articles on history, politics, and culture; and materials on ethnography and folklore. It also contained translations of Western European and Russian literature and regular reports on political and intellectual developments in Russian-ruled Ukraine. After a six-month interruption, from July 1896 it emphasized political and economic issues and published commentaries and analyses from a decidedly socialist, anti-imperialist perspective. Although the journal never attracted more than 400 to 500 subscribers, the high quality of its contents made it one of the more influential Ukrainian journals of the time. An index to Zhytie i slovo compiled by P. Babiak and edited by M. Humeniuk was published in Lviv in 1968.

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 5 (1993).]

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