Zoria (Dnipropetrovsk)

Zoria (Dnipropetrovsk) («Зоря»; Star). An illustrated monthly journal of literature, culture, and politics, published in Dnipropetrovsk from January 1925 to October 1934. From 1927 it was the organ of the Dnipropetrovsk branch of the All-Ukrainian Association of Proletarian Writers, and in 1925–9 it was edited by Petro Yefremov and Ivan Tkachuk. Zoria published works by local writers, members of the Zakhidnia Ukraina writers’ group (eg, Tkachuk, Myroslav Irchan, and Vasyl Bobynsky), and pro-communist Ukrainian émigrés (eg, Mykola M. Tarnovsky in the United States and Antin Pavliuk (Yavir) in Czechoslovakia). The monthly Shturm appeared in place of Zoria from January 1935 to April 1937.

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 5 (1993).]

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