Hochemsky, Adam

Image - Adam Hochemsky: Saint John Chrysostom (copper plate).

Hochemsky, Adam [Гочемський, Адам; Hočems'kyj], b and d ? Noted copper and wood engraver; brother of Yosyf Hochemsky. The two brothers worked as engravers in Pochaiv at the Pochaiv Monastery Press in the 18th century. Adam, who was active in the 1770s and 1780s, produced over 60 engravings, including The Reshnivka Mother of God (1770, 1774), The Pochaiv Mother of God (1773), Saint Basil the Great (1775), and The Crucifixion (1784) in Lahodyntsi, whose frame is decorated with interesting scenes of everyday life. He illustrated Trefolohion (1777) and a missal (1778). A view of Jerusalem and one of Constantinople (1778) were also done by him.

[This article was updated in 2013.]

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