Kyiv Institute of People's Education

Kyiv Institute of People's Education (Київський інститут народної освіти; Kyivskyi instytut narodnoi osvity or КІНО; KINO). A higher educational institution formed in Kyiv in 1920 out of the historical-philological and physical-mathematical-scientific faculties of Kyiv University. It was also known as the Kyiv Higher Institute of People's Education. Consisting at first of three faculties, the institute was reorganized in 1921–2 into two faculties: social education and professional education. The former had a three-year program emphasizing practical pedagogy to prepare teachers for the higher grades of the unified labor schools, preschool institutions, and the Communist children’s movement. The latter had a more academic four-year program to prepare teachers for vocational-technical schools and tekhnikums. In 1922, 691 students were enrolled in a preparatory course, 191 in the social education faculty, and 835 in the professional education faculty of the institute. As a result of the Ukrainization campaign, the proportion of courses taught in Ukrainian rose from 20 percent in 1922 to 40 percent in 1926. In 1927, 62 percent of the institute’s 1,035 students were Ukrainians, 27 percent Jews, and 9 percent Russians. In 1930 KINO was reorganized into three separate institutes: the social education faculty became the Kyiv Institute of Social Education (later the Kyiv Pedagogical Institute), and the professional educational faculty was split into the Kyiv Institute of Professional Education and the Kyiv Physical-Chemical-Mathematical Institute. The first two institutes continued to train teachers; the last trained researchers for scientific institutions. Three years later the Kyiv Institute of Professional Education and the Kyiv Physical-Chemical-Mathematical Institute were merged to form Kyiv University.

Bohdan Krawchenko

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 2 (1988).]

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