Saint Andrew's College

Saint Andrew's College (Колеґія св. Андрея; Kolegiia sv. Andreia, or SAC). A theological seminary of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada and student residence, located in Winnipeg, Manitoba, on the University of Manitoba campus. Incorporated in April 1946, SAC succeeded the small Orthodox seminary established in Winnipeg in 1932 to prepare candidates for the priesthood and community leadership through programs in theology, approved high school courses, and Ukrainian language and culture summer courses. In 1964 it moved to its own building on the campus and became an associate college of the university. In 1972 it was authorized to teach accredited university courses in Ukrainian and religious studies leading to a BA degree at the university. In January 1981 its humanities courses were organized into the Centre of Ukrainian Canadian Studies, which offers a BA program in Ukrainian-Canadian heritage studies. At the same time SAC was formally affiliated with the university, which provides the operating budget for the center while the college furnishes the physical facilities. The Faculty of Theology remains under the jurisdiction of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada and offers a four-year B TH and M DIV degrees and a two-year diploma in theology. SAC is administered by a principal and a board of directors, and the center is headed by the director. It contains a library of 50,000 volumes, including the collection of 11,000 rare books belonging to the late Metropolitan Ivan Ohiienko, a former dean of theology there. The residence can accommodate over 50 students, and regular summer and extension courses have been held there. The principals of SAC have included Rev Semen Sawchuk, Rev O. Krawchenko, Peter Kondra, and R. Yereniuk. The Metropolitan Ilarion Theological Society has been based at the college.

Oleh Gerus

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 4 (1993).]

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