Kachenovsky, Dmitrii [Каченовский, Дмитрий; Kačenovskij, Dmitrij], b 30 December 1827 in Karachev, Orel gubernia, d 2 January 1873 in Kharkiv. Specialist in international law and the history of political institutions. A graduate of Kharkiv University, where he was appointed to the Chair of International Law (1849) and subsequently promoted to professor (1859). His O kaperakh i prizovom sudoproizvodstve (1855), which was published in London in English translation as Prize-Law, Particularly with Reference to the Duties and Obligations of Belligerents and Neutrals (1867), was instrumental in the inclusion of several articles on humanizing naval warfare and banning privateering in the Declaration of Paris (1856). In his Kurs mezhdunarodnogo prava (A Course in International Law, 1863–6) he severely criticized positivist theories of international law. He raised the issue of codifying international law and contributed to the founding in 1873 of the Institute of International Law in Ghent, Belgium.

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 2 (1988).]

Encyclopedia of Ukraine