Kaniuk, Serhii [Канюк, Сергій; Kanjuk, Serhij], b 15 July 1880 in Khlivyshche, Kitsman county, Bukovyna, d 15 March 1945 in Mariinsk, Kemerovo oblast, RSFSR. Bukovynian political leader and publicist. By profession a teacher and an inspector of elementary schools, he led the left wing of the Social Democratic Party of Bukovyna. In 1918 he helped organize the Communist Party of Bukovyna. He was the publisher and editor of the pro-Soviet weeklies Volia narodu (1919–20) and Hromada (1921), which appeared in Chernivtsi. In 1922 he immigrated to the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic, where he served in the People's Commissariat of Education. Kaniuk’s publications include brochures in defense of Bukovynian Ukrainians such as Pid chobotom rumuns'kykh boiar (Under the Heel of Romanian Boyars, 1930) and Bukovyna v rumuns'kii nevoli (Bukovyna in Romanian Captivity, 1930), short stories, and pedagogical articles. In the 1930s he was imprisoned and died in a GULAG labor camp.

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 2 (1988).]

Encyclopedia of Ukraine