Manuilovych, Sofiia [Manujlovyč, Sofija], b 13 October 1892 in Ponornytsia, Krolevets county, Chernihiv gubernia, d 12 August 1971 in Odesa. (Photo: Sofiia Manuilovych.) Actress, director, and playwright. After completing study at the Lysenko Music and Drama School in Kyiv, she worked in Molodyi Teatr (1916–19), acted in the Zhytomyr Ukrainian Drama Theater (1919–22) and Berezil (1922–6), directed Berezil's Odesa actors' studio (1925–6), founded and directed the Odesa Children's Theater (1928–30) (see Odesa Young Spectator's Theater), taught at the Odesa Music and Drama Institute (1926–34), and worked in the Moscow Puppet Theater (1934–6) and the Mykolaiv Young Spectator's Theater (1934–9). She wrote several agitprop dramas.

Encyclopedia of Ukraine