Lysenko Music and Drama School

Image - Mykola Lysenko with the teachers of the Lysenko Music and Drama School.

Lysenko Music and Drama School (Музично-драматична школа ім. М. Лисенка; Muzychno-dramatychna shkola im. M. Lysenka). A school established in Kyiv 1904 by Mykola Lysenko to foster the development of Ukrainian music. Lysenko financed the project with funds originally gathered by his supporters to buy him a country house for his 35th jubilee celebration. The school's curriculum was on the level of a conservatory, and there was a separate drama department and a museum of Ukrainian folk instruments. The school was directed initially by Lysenko and then by his daughter Mariana Lysenko (1912–18). Teachers included Lysenko, Hryhorii Liubomyrsky, Oleksander Myshuha, and Mariia Starytska. The school was the only Ukrainian higher music school of its day, and its influence in the development of Ukrainian music is reflected in the list of its graduates, which includes Kyrylo Stetsenko, Oleksander Koshyts, Lev Revutsky, and Mykhailo Mykysha. In 1918 the school was reorganized and renamed the Lysenko Music and Drama Institute.

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 3 (1993).]

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