Lysenko, Mariana

Lysenko, Mariana [Лисенко, Маряна], b 23 June 1887 in Kyiv, d 14 February 1946 in Kyiv. A pianist; daughter of Mykola Lysenko. She was a lecturer as well as director of the Lysenko Music and Drama School in Kyiv (1912–8) and, after 1918, a lecturer at the Lysenko Music and Drama Institute. She was a concertmaster at the Kyiv Theater of Opera and Ballet from 1939 and, in 1942–44, of the Lviv Theater of Opera and Ballet. She wrote the textbook Shkola navchannia na fortepiano (A School for Teaching Piano).

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 3 (1993).]

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