Ukrainian Liberation Front (Український визвольний фронт; Ukrainskyi vyzvolnyi front, or УВФ; UVF). A coalition of community, youth, women’s, and cultural organizations associated with the OUN (Bandera faction). It incorporates approximately 50 member groups in Great Britain (Association of Ukrainians in Great Britain and others), France (Union of Ukrainians of France), Belgium (Ukrainian Relief Committee in Belgium), Germany (Ukrainian Youth Association [SUM]), Australia (League for the Liberation of Ukraine), Argentina (Prosvita society), Canada (Canadian League for Ukraine's Liberation), and the United States of America (Organization for the Defense of Four Freedoms for Ukraine), as well as representations in other countries. The combined membership of these groups is estimated at up to 30,000. They were formally organized as the World Ukrainian Liberation Front (SUVF) in 1973. A head office for the group was then established in Toronto. The SUVF has been headed by Roman Malashchuk, B. Fedorak, M. Andrukhiv, and others. It was a member of the Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations and the World Anti-Communist League.

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 5 (1993).]

Encyclopedia of Ukraine