Osadtsa, Mykhailo

Osadtsa, Mykhailo [Осадца, Михайло; Osadca, Myxajlo], b 3 November 1836 in Voloshchyna, Ternopil circle, d 10 April 1865 in Lviv. Greek Catholic priest and philologist. He studied under Franz Miklosich at Vienna University and taught religion at the Academic Gymnasium of Lviv. He wrote in the etymological spelling a Ruthenian (ie, Ukrainian) grammar for secondary schools (1862; 2nd edn 1864; 3rd ‘Russophile’ edn 1876, ed O. Lepky and Hnat Onyshkevych) based on the Galician vernacular.

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 3 (1993).]

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