Romny goose

Romny goose (роменська порода гусей; romenska poroda husei). A popular breed of domestic goose in Ukraine; its name derives from the city of Romny, in Sumy oblast. Most Romny geese have one or two folds on the abdomen and no wattle on the head. Their plumage is gray, white, or mottled. Romny geese are bred in Chernihiv oblast, Sumy oblast, Poltava oblast, Kyiv oblast, Kharkiv oblast, Luhansk oblast, Kherson oblast, and Odesa oblast. Ganders reach 5–7 kg in weight, geese, 5–6 kg. They are readily force-fed, and yield fatty, juicy, highly caloric meat.

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 4 (1993).]

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