Ukraïns’kyi robitnyk

Image - Ukrains'kyi robitnyk (1954).

Ukraïns’kyi robitnyk («Український робітник»; Ukrainian Worker). A weekly organ of the Sich society in Canada and then the United Hetman Organization, published from January 1934 to August 1954 in Toronto. Splits in the hetmanite movement in the early 1950s led to several changes in the paper. In July 1954 it was renamed Ukraïns’kyi khrystyians’kyi robitnyk to stress its anticommunist, Christian outlook, and in September of that year it became Kanadiis’kyi horozhanyn. The editors of Ukraïns’kyi robitnyk and its successors were I. Korchynsky, Mykhailo Hetman (1937–49; in 1952–5 he published a competing conservative newspaper, Nasha derzhava), Yurii Rusov, Yuliian Tarnovych, Volodymyr Bosy, R. Domazar, and Anatol Kurdydyk.

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 5 (1993).]

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