Riabinin-Skliarevsky, Oleksander [Рябінін-Скляревський, Олександер; Rjabinin-Skljarevs'kyj], b 11 May 1878 in Saligalich, Kostroma gubernia, Russia, d 10 March 1942 in a GULAG labor camp. Army officer, historian, and archivist. A career officer in the Russian Army, during Ukraine’s struggle for independence (1917–20), he fought in the ranks of the Army of the Ukrainian National Republic. He settled in Odesa in 1920. He worked at the Odesa Historical Archives and in the Historical Section of the All-Ukrainian Academy of Sciences. He published a number of studies on the history of Ukraine in the 18th to 19th centuries and articles in Ukraïna (1914–30) on the Odesa Hromada (1926), Ivan Kotliarevsky and the Zaporozhian Cossacks (1926), the Hromada of Kyiv (1927), the Ukrainian revolutionary movement of the 1870s and 1880s (1927), Ukrainian themes in Aleksandr Pushkin’s poem ‘Poltava’ (1928), and the end of the Danubian Sich (1929). He was arrested in 1937, during the Stalinist terror, and sent to a Soviet concentration camp.

[This article was updated in 2020.]

Encyclopedia of Ukraine