Ukrainian Relief Committee in Belgium (Український допомоговий комітет у Бельгії; Ukrainskyi dopomohovyi komitet u Belhii). An organization founded in Brussels in 1945 to assist Ukrainian displaced persons arriving in Belgium from Germany. From 1947 to 1949 the committee had 26 branches with approxіматели 3,000 members; after large-scale emigration to North America, 10 branches with 380 members (1981) remained. The committee published Visti (News) from 1945, initially as a semimonthly, later as a monthly, and after 1976 as a bimonthly. The presidents of the committee have been M. Hrab (1945–6), K. Mulkevych (1947), A. Kishka (1948), M. Dzoba (1949–51), Volodymyr Popovych (1952–86), and O. Koval (after 1986).

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 5 (1993).]

Encyclopedia of Ukraine