Dnewnyk Ruskij

Dnewnyk Ruskij (Dnevnyk Ruskii) (The Ruthenian Daily). A weekly published from 30 August to 25 October 1848 in Lviv by the political committee known as the Ruthenian Congress to counteract the publications of the Supreme Ruthenian Council. The paper was supported by several Polish circles. Nine issues were published altogether, the first five and the last issue appearing in the Latin alphabet and the others in the Cyrillic alphabet. The editor was Ivan Vahylevych. Besides the Ruthenian Congress's program and proclamations, Dnewnyk Ruskij published articles on political and social problems, such as F. Harasevych's ‘Slovo o Rusi i ïï stanovyshchi politychnim’ (A Discourse on Rus’ and Its Political Situation) and Vahylevych's ‘Vidky vzialysia pany i lany’ (Whence Came the Lords and Fields) and ‘Zamitky o ruskoi literaturi’ (Comments on Ruthenian Literature). H. Yablonsky's and I. Zhendzanovsky's poems, V. Shutsky's novelette, Vahylevych's humorous sketches, and advice for farmers were among the items that appeared in the newspaper.

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 1 (1984).]

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