
Hrono (Cluster). A literary and artistic group, created in Kyiv in October 1920, under the leadership of Valeriian Polishchuk. It opposed the ‘proletarian’ ideology of other groups and called for a ‘synthesis of existing trends’ and the ‘harmonious coexistence of the collective and the individual’ (‘Credo’ in the collection Hrono, 1920). Other members of the group were Pavlo Fylypovych, Hryhorii Kosynka, Geo Shkurupii, V. Cherniakhivska, Mykola Tereshchenko, Dmytro Zahul, K. Kotko, M. Stasenko, and the artists Mykola Burachek, Marko Kyrnarsky, Viacheslav Levandovsky, Serhii Pozharsky, and Heorhii Narbut. The group's activity was short-lived, lasting only until 1921.

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 2 (1989).]

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