Krevetsky, Ivan

Krevetsky, Ivan [Кревецький, Іван; Krevec’kyj], b 14 October 1883 in Ivanivtsi, Zhydachiv county, Galicia, d 27 June 1940 in Rozdil, Zhydachiv county. Historian and bibliographer; full member of the Shevchenko Scientific Society (NTSh) from 1907. After studying with Mykhailo Hrushevsky at Lviv University, he directed the NTSh library in Lviv (1905–14, 1921–37) and edited its historical monthly Stara Ukraïna (1924–5). He also edited the journal Nasha shkola in Lviv (1909–12) and Respublyka, the press organ of the Western Ukrainian National Republic in Stanyslaviv (1919). Krevetsky published some 40 articles on Galician history, mainly in the journal Zapysky Naukovoho tovarystva im. Shevchenka. Many of these dealt with the Galician events during the Revolution of 1848–9 in the Habsburg monarchy, especially dealing with the organization of Ukrainian military units, the attempts to divide Galicia between the Poles and Ukrainians, and the election of 1848. He also wrote the monograph Agrarni straiky i boikoty u skhidnii Halychyni v 1848–1849 rr.: Do istoriï borot'by za suspil'no-ekonomichne vyzvolenie ukraïns'kykh mas u skhidnii Halychyni (Agrarian Strikes and Boycotts in Eastern Galicia in 1848–9: Toward the History of the Struggle for the Socioeconomic Liberation of the Ukrainian Masses in Eastern Galicia, 1906) and several articles on the history of the Ukrainian press in Galicia and on Ukrainian historiography. Krevetsky also contributed entries on the press to Ukraïns'ka zahal'na entsyklopediia (Ukrainian General Encyclopedia, 1930–5).

Arkadii Zhukovsky

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 2 (1988).]

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