Olianchyn, Domet

Olianchyn, Domet [Олянчин, Домет; Oljančyn], b 6 August 1891 in Viitivtsi, Bratslav county, Podilia gubernia, d 25 June 1970 in Stuttgart, West Germany. Historian; full member of the Ukrainian Historical-Philological Society in Prague and, from 1948, the Shevchenko Scientific Society. He studied at Kyiv University (1918–20) and, as an émigré, at the universities in Berlin (1923–6; PH D, 1928) and Münster (1932–5). As an associate of the Ukrainian Scientific Institute in Berlin he collected documents pertaining to 17th- and 18th-century Ukrainian history in the archives of Berlin, Breslau, Dresden, Leipzig, Königsberg, Halle, Jena, and Göttingen. From 1937 he lived in Stuttgart and worked there at the Ausland-Institut and, from 1950, the Landesbibliothek. From 1961 he was a professor at the Ukrainian Free University in Munich. Olianchyn is the author of a German-language monograph about Hryhorii Skovoroda (1928, his PH D dissertation), of several articles about 17th- and 18th-century Ukrainian-German political and commercial relations, and of articles about Prince Iziaslav Yaroslavych, the symbols on the coins of Volodymyr the Great and his successors, and Ukrainian students at Western European universities, which were published in Ukrainian émigré and German periodicals.

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 4 (1993).]

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