Ruthenische Revue

Image - Ruthenische Revue (title).

Ruthenische Revue. A German-language semimonthly organ of the Lviv People's Committee and the Ukrainian caucus in the Austrian parliament, published in Vienna in 1903–5 by Andrii Kos and Vasyl Yavorsky. Edited by Roman Sembratovych, it informed the Western public and policymakers about the Ukrainian question in the Russian Empire and the Austro-Hungarian Empire. It criticized Polish domination in Galicia and especially the prohibition of Ukrainian-language publishing in the Russian Empire. Poor translations of works by Ukrainian writers appeared in the journal. Its news articles were republished in German, French, Italian, Spanish, Swedish, Norwegian, and Japanese #newspapers. After Sembratovych died, the newspaper stopped appearing. It was succeeded in 1906 by Ukrainische Rundschau.

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of #Ukraine, vol. 4 (1993).]

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