
Image - Sharhorod: Saint Nicholas Cathedral (1829). Image - Sharhorod: Saint Florian church (1595). Image - A view of Sharhorod. Image - Sharhorod synagogue (1595).

Sharhorod [Шаргород; Šarhorod]. Map: V-9. A town smt (2001 pop 7,100) on the Murashka River and a raion center in Vinnytsia oblast. In 1383 Grand Duke Vytautas the Great granted the site to his servant V. Karachevsky, who established the settlement of Kniazhna Luka. In 1497 it was renamed Karacheva Pustynia. In 1579 Jan Zamoyski renamed it Sharhorod and built a fortress there. In 1588 the town obtained the rights of Magdeburg law. It participated in the anti-Polish revolts led by Kryshtof Kosynsky and Severyn Nalyvaiko. In 1626 an Orthodox brotherhood was founded there. During Bohdan Khmelnytsky's uprising (see Cossack-Polish War) Sharhorod was captured by Maksym Kryvonis and assigned to Bratslav regiment. It was surrendered to Poland under the Treaty of Andrusovo in 1667. In 1672–99 the town was occupied by the Turks, who called it Küçük-Stambul (Little Stambul). In 1734 Capt Verlan led a haidamaka uprising from Sharhorod. After the partition of Poland in 1793, Sharhorod was transferred to Russia and became part of Mohyliv-Podilskyi county in Podilia gubernia. Its Basilian monastery (est 1717) was converted to an Orthodox one. Today the town has a food industry. Its architectural monuments include the ruins of the old fortress, a synagogue (1589), a church (1595), and some residential buildings from the 18th and 19th centuries.

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 4 (1993).]

Image - Sharhorod: ruins of the castle walls. Image - Sharhorod: ruins of the castle walls. Image - Sharhorod: Saint Nicholas's Monastery. Image - A street in Sharhorod.

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