Slovo (Kyiv)

Slovo (Kyiv) (Word). A weekly newspaper of the Ukrainian Social Democratic Workers' party, legally published in Kyiv from May 1907 to July 1909 (a total of 105 issues) by O. Koroleva (1907–8) and Symon Petliura (1909). The editors were Mykola Porsh, Valentyn Sadovsky, Ya. Mikhura, and Petliura. The newspaper concentrated on raising the political and social consciousness of its working-class readers, but over time it began devoting more attention to the struggle for Ukrainian political and cultural rights. In addition to the editors, who wrote mostly on political (Porsh), cultural (Petliura), and economic (Sadovsky, Mikhura) topics, regular contributors included Andrii Zhuk, Dmytro Dontsov, Hryhorii Kovalenko, Volodymyr Doroshenko, Dmytro Doroshenko, Isaak Mazepa, Lev Yurkevych, Volodymyr Chekhivsky, and Volodymyr Stepankivsky. The newspaper also published prose and poetry by Spyrydon Cherkasenko, Hrytsko Chuprynka, Dniprova Chaika, and other writers.

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 4 (1993).]

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