Vpered (Lviv)

Vpered (Lviv) (Forward). A weekly organ of the ‘independent’ faction of the Ukrainian Social Democratic party (USDP) in Galicia, published by Porfyr Buniak in Lviv from December 1911 to March 1913. Its primary aim was to build support for the trade union movement among Ukrainian workers. Vpered was edited by Volodymyr Levynsky, Yuliian Bachynsky, and Antin Chernetsky. The newspaper was renewed in late 1918 and appeared daily and then semimonthly to 1924. Until 1923 it provided general coverage of political and economic developments. In this period its editors included Lev Hankevych, Buniak, Chernetsky, I. Ivashko, Ivan Kvasnytsia, Stefaniia Pashkevych, and A. Holovka. In 1923–4 Vpered again served as a pro-Soviet USDP organ, under the editorship of M. Parfanovych, Stepan Volynets, and Stepan Rudyk.

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 5 (1993).]

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