Union of Ukrainian Emigrant Women in Poland

Union of Ukrainian Emigrant Women in Poland (Союз українок еміґранток у Польщі; Soiuz ukrainok emigrantok u Polshchi, or СУЕП; SUEP). A women’s organization originated in 1921 as a women’s section of the Ukrainian Central Committee in Poland. Headed by O. Lukasevych, it was reorganized in 1924 as the Women’s Hromada under the presidency of N. Salikovska, and in 1927 as the SUEP under the leadership of Mariia Livytska. The union had a branch in Lviv. At first the union was involved mostly in charity work, but later it also organized literary readings, choirs, theatrical performances, and embroidery classes. It was disbanded in 1939.

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 5 (1993).]

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