Doroshenko, Nataliia [Дорошенко, Наталія; Dorošenko, Natalija; née Васильченко; Vasylchenko], b 1 August 1888 in Nizhyn, Chernihiv gubernia, d 17 October 1970 in Munich, West Germany. A stage actress and prominent figure in the theater world; wife of Dmytro Doroshenko. Doroshenko studied at the Lysenko Music and Drama Institute in Kyiv. In 1917–18 she was a member of the Theater Council in Kyiv and one of the organizers of the State Drama Theater. An émigré from 1920, Doroshenko organized theater-arts courses in Prague and Warsaw. She often performed oratories on stage. Doroshenko lived in Canada from 1947 and in Munich from the 1950s.

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 1 (1984).]

Encyclopedia of Ukraine