a { text-decoration: none !important; text-align: right; } Halych National Nature Park, Галицький національний природний парк; Halytskyi natsionalnyi pryrodnyi park, or HNNP, Internet Encyclopedia of Ukraine, Інтернетова Енциклопедія України (ІЕУ), Ukraine, Ukraina, Україна"> Halych National Nature Park

Halych National Nature Park

Image - Halych National Nature Park (landscape). Image - The Limnytsia River
Image - Halych National Nature Park (landscape).

Halych National Nature Park (Галицький національний природний парк; Halytskyi natsionalnyi pryrodnyi park, or HNNP). A national park established in 2004 in Halych raion, Ivano-Frankivsk oblast. One of the Carpathian protected areas, it covers an area of 14,684.8 ha and is under the jurisdiction of the State Forest Resource Agency of Ukraine.

The HNNP is situated along the Dnister River and its tributaries, the Limnytsia River, The Lukva River, and the Hnyla Lypa River, in the upland region of Subcarpathia at the foothills of the Ukrainian Carpathian Mountains. It features typical foothill landscapes of the forest belt and forest-steppe zone. The flora of the HNNP is primarily represented by hornbeam-oak forests with occasional remnants of oak forests and by meadows and swamps meadows and swamps, with aquatic and coastal vegetation. In isolated parts of the park steppe vegetation, featuring various species of feather grass predominates.

Picturesque scenery along the banks of the Limnytsya River, with outcrops and elaborate rock formations, as well as the ancient city of princely Halych are major tourist attractions and make the HNNP suitable for the development of ecotourism.

Popovych, S. Pryrodno-zapovidna sprava (Kyiv 2007)

Volodymyr Kricsfalusy

[This article was written in 2011]

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