a { text-decoration: none !important; text-align: right; } National Institute of Strategic Studies, Національний інститут стратегічних досліджень; Natsionalnyi instytut stratehichnykh doslidzhen, Internet Encyclopedia of Ukraine, Інтернетова Енциклопедія України (ІЕУ), Ukraine, Ukraina, Україна"> National Institute of Strategic Studies

National Institute of Strategic Studies

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National Institute of Strategic Studies (Національний інститут стратегічних досліджень; Natsionalnyi instytut stratehichnykh doslidzhen). A scientific research institute that conducts research in social sciences and a public policy think tank subordinated to the President of Ukraine. Established in Kyiv in 1992 within the structure of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, in 2000 it was placed under the authority of the Administration of the President of Ukraine, and in 2002 it was subordinated directly under the President of Ukraine as a research institution in charge of providing analytics and prognostication for Ukraine’s authorities, above all president. Initially the institute had regional branches in Dnipro, Donetsk, Lviv, Odesa, Kharkiv, and Uzhhorod that conduced the monitoring of social and political developments in Ukraine’s main regions.

The major tasks of the institute include: preparation of project proposals for the annual Presidential address to the Supreme Council of Ukraine; analysis of sociopolitical developments in Ukraine; research assistance for the President of Ukraine and the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine in the area of national security; examination of the main challenges facing Ukraine in the realms of economic, demographic, social, humanitarian, ethno-political, military, information, and ecological matters as well as in foreign affairs; monitoring of regional developments; academic assessment of legislative projects and other regulatory legal acts, as well as public policies; publication of research materials related to the institute’s major tasks. The institute regularly submits results of its research and monitoring to the President of Ukraine in the form of policy proposals, expert opinions on regulatory legal acts, analytical reports on major domestic and international developments, and the proposed resolutions of major social, economic, and political issues on national and regional levels. Much of the institute’s output is disseminated via monographs, digests, and periodicals (printed and digital). The institute’s experts participate as consultants in a number of governmental organs, including official delegations, interdepartmental, institutional, and ministerial commissions and executive committees. The institute has four research centers (foreign policy; security; economy and society; and domestic policy) and a graduate school that trains experts in several disciplines, including economics, philosophy, political science, national security, and public administration.

The institute’s most notable publications include Derzhavne upravlianna rehional'nym rozvytkom Ukraїny (State Management of the Regional Development of Ukraine, 2010); Stratehichne planuvannia: Vyrishennia problem natsional'noї bezpeky (Strategic Planning: Solving National Security Problems, 2011); M. Stepyko, Ukraїns'ka identychnist': fenomen і zasady formuvannia (Ukrainian Identity: Phenomenon and the Principles of Formation, 2012); H. Kokhan, Iavyshche politychnoї koruptsiї: teoretyko-metodychnyi analiz (A Phenomenon of Political Corruption: Theoretical and Methodical Analysis, 2013); Donbas i Krym: tsina povernennia (Donbas and the Crimea: the Price of Recapture, 2015); Developing the Critical Infrastructure Protection System in Ukraine (2017); Rezhym Putina: perezavantazhennia (Putin’s Regime: Reload, 2019); and Olga Reznikova, Natsional'na stiikist' v umovakh minlyvoho bezpekovoho seredovyshcha (National Resilience in a Variable Security Environment, 2022). The institute’s publishes the quarterly journal Stratehichni priorytety (51 vols, 2006–) and the byannual Stratehichna panorama (2001–).

The institute directors have been Serhii Pyrozhkov (1992–96), Oleksandr Bielov (1996–2001), Oleksandr Vlasiuk (2001–02), Anatolii Halchynsky (2002–05), Ihor Hryniv (2005), Yurii Ruban (2005–10), Andrii Yermolaiev (2010–14), Yaroslav Zhalilo (2014), Volodymyr Horbulin (2014–18), Rostyslav Pavlenko (2018–19), Vasyl Yablonsky (2019), Oleksandr Lytvynenko (2019–21), Oleksandr Bohomolov (2021–). The institute’s official website is https://niss.gov.ua/

Serhiy Bilenky

[This entry was written in 2023.]

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