Hrinchenko, Mykola

Image - Mykola Hrinchenko: Istoriia ukrainskoi muzyky.

Hrinchenko, Mykola [Грінченко, Микола; Hrinčenko], b 4 May 1888 in Kyiv, d 27 November 1942 in Ufa, Bashkir ASSR. Musicologist, historian of Ukrainian music, and folklorist. A graduate of the Kyiv Music School (1912) and the Kamianets-Podilskyi Ukrainian State University (1920), he taught at the Lysenko Music and Drama Institute (1925–33) and the Kyiv Conservatory (1934–7). At the same time he was a research assistant of the Chair of Art Studies at the All-Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, and in the 1930s of the Institute of Ukrainian Folklore of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR. In 1933 he was arrested and forced to renounce his ‘nationalist deviations.’ His publications include several monographs and about 60 articles on musicology and folklore, some of which were republished in a collection of selected works in 1959. His most important work is Istoriia ukraïns'koï muzyky (History of Ukrainian Music, 1922), which was republished in 1961 by the Ukrainian Music Institute of America in New York.

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 2 (1988).]

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