Rada (Lviv)

Rada (Lviv) («Рада»; Council). A newspaper published weekly, semiweekly, and then three times a month in Lviv from August 1925 to 1934. It succeeded the daily Nash prapor (1923–4), Prapor (1924), and Ukraïns’ka rada (1924–5) as the organ of the ‘Independent Group’ in the Ukrainian Labor party. Soon afterward it became an organ of the Ukrainian National Democratic Alliance. From 1927 it was the organ of the Sovietophile Ukrainian Party of Labor and reported favorably on nation-building efforts in the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic. It was edited by H. Myketei, Viacheslav Budzynovsky (1927–30), and Lev Petrushevych. In 1930 Rada had a pressrun of 1,500.

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 4 (1993).]

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