Ukraïns’ki visty

Image - An issue of Ukrainski visty (Lviv 1938),

Ukraïns’ki visty [«Українські вісти»; Ukrainian News]. An organ of the Front of National Unity, published daily in 1935–9 in Lviv. It was edited by Ivan Hladylovych with the assistance of Dmytro Paliiv, Mykola Shlemkevych, Stepan Volynets, and Volodymyr Dzis. The newspaper reported extensively on political, economic, and Ukrainian community developments in Poland and abroad. From 1937 it published an illustrated weekly supplement and a page of news for workers. It did much to mobilize support for the national movement in Western Ukraine while criticizing both the pro-Polish policies of the Ukrainian National Democratic Alliance and the political terrorism of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists. Among its frequent contributors were Ya. Zaremba, Oles Babii, M. Pasika, Zenon Tarnavsky, Bohdan Nyzhankivsky, O. Hubchak, and Myron Levytsky.

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 5 (1993).]

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