
Image - Zolotonosha: The Dormition Church and Dmytro Neversky monument. Image - Zolotonosha: Church of the Dormition (1760-7), built by Ivan Hryhorovych-Barsky. Image - Zolotonosha (old photograph).

Zolotonosha [Золотоноша; Zolotonoša]. Map: IV-13. A city (2011 pop 28,464) on the Zolotonoshka River and a raion center in Cherkasy oblast. It was first mentioned in a document in 1576, as a fortified town. In 1640 it was acquired by Jeremi Wiśniowiecki. After throwing off Polish rule in 1648 (see Cossack-Polish War), Zolotonosha became a company center in Cherkasy regiment and, in the 1660s, in Pereiaslav regiment. In 1781 it was given city status and made a county center of Kyiv vicegerency. In the 19th century it was part of Poltava gubernia. By 1885 there were 30 manufacturing enterprises in the city. The Bakhmach–Krasne railway (1897) ran through Zolotonosha and gave it access to agricultural markets. Today its main industry is food processing. It also has a large building-materials factory, a perfume factory, and a sewing plant. Its chief architectural monument is the Church of the Dormition (1760–7), built by Ivan Hryhorovych-Barsky.

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 5 (1993).]

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