Livytska-Kholodna, Nataliia

Image - Nataliia Livytska-Kholodna

Livytska-Kholodna, Nataliia [Лівицька-Холодна, Наталія; Livyc’ka-Xolodna, Natalja], b 15 June 1902 in Helmiaziv, Poltava gubernia (now in now Zolotonosha raion, Cherkasy oblast), d 26 March 2005 in Toronto. Poet; daughter of Andrii Livytsky; wife of Petro P. Kholodny. After the defeat of the Ukrainian struggle for independence (1917–20) she emigrated to Czechoslovakia where she established contacts with such Ukrainian poets, as Yevhen Malaniuk and Yurii Darahan. She moved to Warsaw in 1927 and in 1929 became one of the organizers of the literary group Tank. Her poetry appeared in various journalsLiteraturno-naukovyi vistnyk, the journal Vistnyk, My, and others—and was published in several collections, including Vohon’ i popil (Fire and Ashes, 1934) and Sim liter (Seven Letters, 1937). She was active in Ukrainian women's organizations and coedited the journal Zhinka. A displaced person after the Second World War, she eventually settled in the United States. She wrote a biography of Taras Shevchenko for young readers, Shliakh veletnia (A Giant's Path, 1955). She has also translated from French and Italian into Ukrainian.

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 3 (1993).]

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