
Image - Narod (1895 issue).

Narod [«Народ»] (The People). A semimonthly socialist magazine published in Lviv (January 1890 to October 1892), Kolomyia (to August 1894), and again in Lviv (to August 1895). It was edited by Ivan Franko and Mykhailo Pavlyk (the main contributors) and supported by a group of young Ukrainian socialists (eg, Volodymyr Okhrymovych, Mykola Hankevych, and Yevhen Levytsky). From October 1890 to August 1893 Narod was the organ of the Ruthenian-Ukrainian Radical party. At first it devoted some space to literature (eg, Franko's poems and stories), culture, and the arts, but from 1892 it was primarily a political journal. Narod strongly criticized the Galician status quo and extensively covered the socialist movement in Europe, the women's question in Ukraine, and oppression in the Russian Empire. Its politics were greatly influenced by Mykhailo Drahomanov; it first published his ‘Chudats’ki dumky pro ukraïns’ku natsional’nu spravu’ (Eccentric Thoughts on the Ukrainian National Problem, 1892), ‘Lysty na Naddniprians’ku Ukraïnu’ (Letters to Dnieper Ukraine, 1893), and many of his other articles, and devoted a special issue to him in 1894. Other contributors included Lesia Ukrainka, Pavlo Hrabovsky, Viacheslav Budzynovsky, Ahatanhel Krymsky, S. Danylovych, Vasyl Stefanyk, Nataliia Kobrynska, Les Martovych, Olha Kobylianska, and Yuliian Bachynsky (the first chapters of his Ukraïna Irredenta). A systematic index to Narod (comp P. Babiak) was published in Lviv in 1970.

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 3 (1993).]

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