
Image - Sosnytsia: Coat of arms.

Sosnytsia [Sosnycja]. Map: II-13. A town smt (2001 pop 8,127) on the Ubid River and a raion center in Chernihiv oblast. It is first mentioned in the Hypatian Chronicle under the year 1234. From 1340 it was under Lithuanian rule, and from 1618, under Polish rule. In 1637 one of its residents, Karpo Skydan, raised a rebellion against the Polish nobles. In 1648 the town was captured by the Cossacks, and thereafter became a company center of Nizhyn regiment and then Chernihiv regiment. After the abolition of the Hetman state Sosnytsia belonged to Novhorod-Siverskyi vicegerency (1782–96) and then became a county center of Little Russia gubernia and Chernihiv gubernia (1802–1923). Under the Soviet regime it was a raion center of Snov (1923–5) and Konotop okruhas and Chernihiv oblast (since 1935). Today its main industries are food processing and clothes manufacturing. The birthplace of Oleksander Dovzhenko, it has a literary memorial museum dedicated to him. It also has a rich regional museum founded by Yu. Vynohradsky. The wooden Church of the Holy Protectress (17th century, reconstructed in 1724) and its bell tower (19th century) remain neglected and in disrepair.

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 4 (1993).]

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